Hello from the other side

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

         Fire & Ice ~ "When you discover your Gift, you discover your destiny." ~ A book series by teen author Erin Forbes Find out more on fireandicebookseries.com

It's been sooooo long since I last typed something in my blog. I'm just liking my current blog template, so minimalist and clean. I love it! I guess as we grow older we tend to be more simplistic (bear in mind this is a 19-year-old speaking) :P

My previous blog was filled with only personal life experiences, that only a few could relate. I'm thinking to make it more approachable to others. And I share the same interest as other girls out there, MAKEUP!!! So, most probably I will be updating A LOT about makeup here, and a bit of life stories.

A lot of things have happened, whether I remember them or not. I didn't even allocate some time to reminisce those memories, I really should. If this blog tend to go back to the past stories, that's probably because I suddenly have the awareness to immortalise the moments in here hehe. It's unpredictable, I used to have the habit of sharing everything that had happened in my blog, but laziness got me at its best. And also time constrain. Whatever the excuse is, since I'm typing now I'm just gonna share some bits of stuff that just happened.

We had a maintenance guy in Irinah (my house in KTJ) every week, to repair whatever needed to be repaired - electricity, furniture and stuff. This one uncle helped to repair my study light, it couldn't be switched on for days, obviously it broke down. Our Irinah matron was also in the room with me so we talked and we were speaking in both English and Bahasa. And suddenly that uncle said how lucky the students here, being smart and rich. He said that he can't even speak in English and he felt down as he referred himself as not as bright and lucky as others. He quit school during standard 6 due to poverty so he can't get a decent job as others.

And then the matron said that this is only a matter of opportunity. If he was rich, he would have gotten the chance to continue studying and not working as a maintenance guy. That's when it striked me, we tend to look up to others and tend to forget the blessings that we have. In this case, it's me. I had forgotten how blessed I am, living in a peaceful country, having a comfortable shelter to live in, whenever I'm cold I have a thick blanket to warm me up, having enough food to consume everyday, having money to spend on stuff that I need and want and many more little things in life that I tend to overlook. I felt sad listening to the uncle's life stories and he said that as a father, he wanted the best for his chidlren. And it got me thinking, have I ever been the best daughter for my father?

As humans, it is our nature to compare. But we forget that Allah is the most just. We might have everything that other people want to have, but truthfully, we are never perfect. Let's just take a moment to ponder upon our blessings and be grateful for whatever we have.

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