Review : Freshlook One-Day Color Contact Lenses Dailies

Monday, July 09, 2018

Hi! To begin my review with, this is the second type of contact lenses that I've tried. I only buy contact lenses from trusted brands and shops, cause I don't want to risk my eyes getting infections or even go blind gurl nooo!

I bought the lenses from a Shopee Mall in the Shopee App, after reading the reviews and making sure that the product I was buying is authentic. I've tried monthly disposable contact lenses but I wasn't making a full use out of it because I was in college the whole time and it's just a hassle for me to continuously wear lenses (yes, I'm lazy). Mind you, it was grey contact lens and I had to wear uniform to college so yeah I couldn't rock it to college yall. Considering that, I wanted to try the daily lenses so I opted for Freshlook because I heard the colour selection is great and it is a trusted brand sold by optometric stores.

It has 10 pieces of contact lenses in one box and I had to buy two boxes cause my power is assymmetric. My right eye is -1.25 while my left eye is-0.25. Unfortunately, they don't sell it in -0.25 so I had to buy the plano instead. Oh, and I bought it in grey!

Here comes the real deal. My eyes felt so uncomfortable and heavy wearing it, I never experienced that with my first ever contact lenses. I put some eyedrops, worrying that it may be due to my eyes being so dry. But the discomfort didn't cease that much. It did get better when I put some eyedrop from time to time but still I feel like I'm wearing something in my eyes. I know powered lenses are supposed to help you see clearer but in my case even though it helped overcome my short-sightedness, the lense itself makes your vision slightly muddy when you place them in. The lenses also move around a lot, not that it's unsual for lenses to move around but it's just too much in my opinion. In terms of the colour, grey is actually quite a nice colour. However, I feel like there's better grey that truly pops out on dark eyes.

I think it truly depends on your eye shape to know if it's the right lenses for you. Sadly, mine doesn't go well with this lense. All in all, here's my take on this review :

Pros :
  • Suitable for those who only wear lenses to events 
  • Can get a good deal if buy from trusted online shops
Cons :
  • Move around a lot
  • Feels heavy during wear time
  • Uncomfortable for the eyes
Would I recommend this?

p/s : I'm still in search of good affordable contact lenses, it'd be great if anyone can recommend me any! Thank you for reading :)

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