Wishlist : Born To Run Eyeshadow Palette

Monday, July 09, 2018

I thought it'd be fun to post some wishlists of makeup items considering that I may not be able to purchase them anytime soon (ya girl needa learn how to save up yall). So why not I make use of my deserted blog to remind myself that once I have money imma run to the stores or honey, just click and add to cart everything you've been wanting cause now you got cash ding ding! Okay I'm so excited to start this segment of my blog *blow nails* let's dive in people! See how crazy I can get when it comes to shopping :P

Tadadada presenting you Urban Decay Born To Run Eyeshadow Palette! Gurl, I never thought I'd feel this attached to this guy right here. Ain't he gorgeous? Look at dat colour selections gurl, he got it all!

Image result for urban decay born to run palette

Tbh, when I first saw this I kinda hate the packaging, idk I feel like it's messy. I prefer minimalistic sleek packaging. Maybe I wasn't born to appreciate the arts of collage, ugh so unartistic of me i know i know. Nonetheless who cares about the packaging if it has 21 freaking beautiful colours inside right! I'm especially attracted to the purple, blue and green tones in the palette. Look at that turqoise-icy blue colour named Big Sky, it's so stunning!

Another thing that is refraining me from buying this is because I already have a lot of warm-toned eyeshadow palettes that I love dearly, like ABH Modern Renaissance and Coloured Raine Queen Of Hearts. So I'll have redundant shades if I were to purchase this. But again, there's still more unique shades in here that are calling my name. Let's just see how long I can keep this as a wishlist, cause ya girl is unpredictable. She can go crazy and buy what she wants if that's what she wants. Pray for my wallet guys.

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